Transport Aircraft Composite Aging
Fawcett, A., Fualdes, C., Enjuto, P., Hoyt, D.M., and Ilcewicz, L.
2020 AIAA SCITECH Forum, 9 January 2020, Orlando, FL.
AbstractTransport Aircraft Composite Aging
Fawcett, A., Fualdes, C., Enjuto, P., Hoyt, D.M., and Ilcewicz, L.
2020 AIAA SCITECH Forum, 9 January 2020, Orlando, FL.
AbstractInvestigation of Stiffening Effects on Notch Growth Trajectory of Composite Stiffened Panels with Large Transverse Notches
Enjuto, P., Lobo, M., Walker, T.H., Peña, G., Cregger, S.E., and Wanthal, S.P.
2019 AIAA SciTech Forum, AIAA 2019-0515, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California.
Investigation of Stiffening and Curvature Effects on the Residual Strength of Composite Stiffened Panels with Large Transverse Notches
Enjuto, P., Walker, T.H., Lobo, M., Cregger, S.E., and Wanthal, S.P.
2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-2251), 8 – 12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida.
A Conceptual Framework for Practical Progressive Damage Analysis of Stiffened Composite Aircraft Structure with Large Notches Subjected to Combined Loading
Walker, T.H.
Presented at the 63rd Composite Materials Handbook-17 (CMH-17) Meeting, 17 March 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Fuselage Residual Strength—Response and Prediction
Walker, T. H.
FAA Composite Structural Development Workshop, Renton, Washington, Nov. 29 – Dec.1, 2000.
Advanced Technology Composite Fuselage—Program Overview
Ilcewicz, L., Smith, P.J., Hanson, C.T., Walker, T.H., Metschan, S.L., Mabson, G.E. Mabson, and Willden, K.S.
NASA CR-4734, 1997.
Advanced Technology Composite Fuselage—Materials and Processes
Scholz, D.B., Dost, E.F., Flynn, B.W., Ilcewicz, L.B., Nelson, K.M., Sawicki, A.J., Walker, T.H., and Lakes, R.S.
NASA CR-4731, 1997.
Advanced Technology Composite Fuselage—Repair and Damage Assessment Supporting Maintenance
Flynn, B.W., Bodine, J.D., Dopker, B., Finn, S.R., Griess, K.H., Hanson, C.T., Harris, C.G.
NASA CR-4733, 1997.
Advanced Technology Composite Fuselage—Structural Performance
Walker, T.H., Minguet, P.J., Flynn, B.W., Carbery, D.J., Swanson, G.D., and Ilcewicz, L.B.
NASA CR-4732, 1997.
Structural Development of Composite Fuselage Cutouts: Window Belt and Door Reinforcements
Polland, D., Dopker, B., Graesser, D., Griess, K., Hanson, C., Scholz, D., and Smith, P.
Sixth NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3326, 1996.
Design Integration of a Composite Aft Fuselage Barrel Section
Hanson, C., Griess, K., Flynn, B., Mabson, G., Polland, D., Walker, T., and Dopker, B.
Sixth NASA Advanced Technology Conference, NASA CP-3326, 1996.
Damage Tolerance of Composite Fuselage Structure
Walker, T., Scholtz, D., Flynn, B., Dopker, B., Bodine, J., Ilcewicz, L., Rouse, M., and McGowan, D.
Sixth NASA/DOD/ARPA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3326, 1996.
Tension Strength with Discrete Source Damage
Poe, C.C. Jr., Harris, C.E., Coats, T.W., and Walker, T.H.
Fifth NASA Advanced Technology Conference, NASA CP-3294, pp. 369-437, 1995.
Fracture Scaling Parameters of Inhomogeneous Microstructure in Composite Structures
Cairns, D.S., Ilcewicz, L.B., Walker, T.H., and Minguet, P.J.
Composites Science and Technology, vol. 53, issue 2, pp. 223-231, 1995.
Tension Fracture of Laminates for Transport Fuselage – Part IV: Damage Tolerance Analysis
Ilcewicz, L.B., Walker, T.H., Murphy, D.P., Dopker, B., Scholz, D.B., Cairns, D.S., and Poe, C.C. Jr.
Fourth NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3229, pp. 265-298, 1994.
Benchmark Panels
Walker, T.H., Ilcewicz, L.B., Bodine, J.B., Murphy, D.P., and Dost, E.F.
NASA CR-194969, 1994.
Damage Tolerance Analysis of Composite Transport Fuselage Structure
Dopker, B., Murphy, D., Ilcewicz, L., and Walker, T.
35th SDM Conference, AIAA Paper 94-1406, 1994.
Tension Fracture of Laminates for Transport Fuselage—Part III: Structural Configurations
Walker, T.H., Ilcewicz, L.B., Polland, D.R., Bodine, J.B., and Poe, C.C. Jr.
Fourth NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3229, pp. 243-264, 1994.
Far-Field and Near-Field Strain Response of Fiber Placed Structures to Stress Concentrations
Cairns, D.S., Ilcewicz, L.B., and Walker, T.H.
Composites Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 1087-1097, 1993.
Response of Automated Tow Placement Laminates to Stress Concentrations
Cairns, D.S, Ilcewicz, L.B., and Walker, T.H.
Third NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3178, 1993.
Tension Fracture of Laminates for Transport Fuselage – Part II: Large Notches
Walker, T.H., Ilcewicz, L.B., Polland, D.R., and Poe, C.C. Jr.
Third NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3178, pp. 727-758, 1993.
Nonlinear and Progressive Failure Aspects of Transport Composite Fuselage Damage Tolerance
Walker, T., Ilcewicz, L., Murphy, D., and Dopker, B.
Computational Methods for Failure Analysis and Life Prediction, NASA-CP-3230, pp. 11-35, 1993.
Tension Fracture of Laminates for Transport Fuselage—Part I: Material Screening
Walker, T.H., Avery, W.B., Ilcewicz, L.B., Poe, C.C. Jr., and Harris, C.E.
Second NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3154, pp. 197-238, 1992.
Application of a Design-Build Team Approach to Low Cost and Weight Composite Fuselage Structure
Ilcewicz, L.B., Walker, T.H., Willden, K.S., Swanson, G.D., Truslove, G., Metschan, S.L., and Pfahl, C.L.
NASA CR-4418, 1991.
Local Design Optimization for Composite Transport Fuselage Crown Panels
Swanson, G.D., Walker, T.H., Ilcewicz, L.B., Graesser, D.L., Tuttle, M.E., and Zabinsky, Z.
Second NASA/DOD Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3154, pp. 243-262, 1991.
Advanced Technology Composite Fuselage Structure
Ilcewicz, L.B, Smith, P.J., Hanson, C.T., Walker, T.H., Metschan, S.L., Mabson, G.E., and Willden, K.S.
First NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3104, Part 1, pp. 127-155, 1991.
Cost Studies for Commercial Fuselage Crown Designs
Walker, T. H., Smith, P. J., Truslove, G., Willden, K. S., Metschan, S. L., and Pfahl, C. L.
First NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3104, 1991.