
Tension Fracture of Laminates for Transport Fuselage – Part II: Large Notches

Walker, T.H., Ilcewicz, L.B., Polland, D.R., and Poe, C.C. Jr.

Third NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, NASA CP-3178, pp. 727-758, 1993.

Tests were conducted on over 200 center-crack specimens to evaluate (a) the tension-fracture performance of candidate materials and laminates for commercial fuselage applications and (b) the accuracy of several failure criteria in predicting response. Crack lengths of up to 12 inches were considered. Other variables included fiber/matrix combination, layup, lamination manufacturing process, and intraply hybridization. Laminates fabricated using the automated tow-placement process provided significantly higher tension-fracture strengths than nominally identical tape laminates. This confirmed earlier findings for other layups, and possibly relates to a reduced stress concentration resulting from a larger scale of repeatable material inhomogeneity in the tow-placed laminates. Changes in material and layup result in a trade-off between small-notch and large-notch strengths. Toughened resins and 0°-dominate layups result in higher small-notch strengths but lower large-notch strengths than brittle resins, 90°- and 45°-dominated layups, and intraply S2-glass hybrid material forms. Test results indicate that strength-prediction methods that allow for a reduced order singularity of the crack-tip stress field are more successful at predicting failure over a range of notch sizes than those relying on the classical square-root singularity. The order of singularity required to accurately predict large-notch strength from small-notch data was affected by both material and layup. Measured crack-tip strain distributions, were generally higher than those predicted using classical methods. Traditional methods of correcting for finite specimen width were found to be lacking, confirming earlier findings with other specimen geometries. Fracture tests of two stiffened panels, identical except for differing materials, with severed central stiffeners resulted in nearly identical damage progression and failure sequences. Strain-softening laws implemented within finite element models appear attractive to account for load redistribution in configured structure due to damage-induced crack tip softening.