Finite Element Analysis
- Finite element analysis using ABAQUS and ANSYS to predict strength, stiffnesses, displacement, buckling stability, and complex stress/strain behavior of structural details.
- Nonlinear solutions including progressive failure, large displacement analysis, section collapse, material strain-softening and plasticity behavior.
- In-plane progressive failure analysis using stress-based and/or fracture mechanics failure criteria, built-in damage initiation and evolution capability in ABAQUS, custom user-defined materials and elements, and Autodesk Simulation Composite Analysis (previously Firehole Helius:MCT).
- Interlaminar failure analysis of delaminations, disbonds, and/or flaws including matrix damage initiation, and delamination onset and growth under both static and fatigue loading.
- Extensive experience with cohesive and VCCT interface elements including custom, user-defined interface elements.
- Analysis of structural joints including bolted and bonded configurations.
- Rapid 3D solid meshing of wind turbine blades using NSE’s “bladeMesher” in-house software.
< bladeMesher PDF >
FEM detail of stringer runout showing fatigue delamination growth from impact damage
Buckling predictions for a wind turbine rotor blade